AccessCare Child Care Referral Database
As a licensed child care provider in Delaware, your program is listed in our AccessCare child care referral database, free of charge! While we cannot guarantee that you will receive referrals through our referral services, we connect hundreds of families each year to child care programs just like yours. It is a great way to get the word out to parents that are looking for care.
Add Logos and Photos!
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Call us at (800) 734-2388
Request the link and password be emailed to you
Update anytime, as often as needed
If you already know your password, make updates at bit.ly/CFFUpdate
WHY is it important to update your profile?
Child care searches can be conducted on multiple websites (including CFFs AccessCare database and MyChildDE.org)
Referrals are available to all families looking to care (POC-approved and general public)
Information is used for statistics (average rates, competitive analyses, etc.)
Competitive Analysis
Are you interested in becoming a provider or are you currently a licensed childcare provider in DE? A Competitive Analysis identifies the supply of available childcare in a specified area including the number of slots, the ages served, hours of operation, program features, and weekly cost. This information can be useful as part of a needs assessment and/or business plan for new, current, or expanding childcare businesses. Children & Families First provides this up-to-date statistical data compiled from our childcare provider records.
Please contact us at (800) 734-2388 or AccessCare@cffde.org to request a competitive analysis in your area.