What is CBITS?
Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (or CBITS) is aimed at relieving symptoms of PTSD and general anxiety among children exposed to trauma. CBITS has been used most commonly for students in grades five to twelve (ages 10 to 18).
By providing services to students in a school setting, obstacles such as transportation, schedule conflicts, and stigma related to mental health are removed. Services for students are offered at no cost to the student's family or school.
What type of content does CBITS include?
CBITS teaches the following techniques:
common reactions to trauma
relaxation training
cognitive therapy
real-life exposure
stress or trauma exposure
social problem solving skills
For more information on CBITS, please contact us at 302-545-2734.
This program is funded through the Delaware Department of Education, Delaware Criminal Justice Council by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime.