The Behavioral Health Consultant Program is a free program providing appropriate mental health access to middle school students and their families. The program, in public and charter middle schools throughout the state of Delaware, provides short term and supportive counseling to students and family. BHCs are encouraged to work as a member of the school’s team, providing mental health consultation to teachers and administrators working with students with mental health difficulties.
Students working with a Behavioral Health Consultant learn to:
Improve grades
Handle stress
Manage emotions
Make positive choices
Build friendships
Avoid discipline
Better communicate
Navigate a crisis
The BHC Program is a team effort between your child's school and Children & Families First
to provide:
Licensed, trained, caring counselors
Short-term and supportive counseling
Individual and group counseling
Crisis Assessments
Referral to community resources
Supports for the whole family
Behavioral Health Consultants can be found in the following Delaware middle schools:
Bayard Middle School
Eastside Charter School
Gauger-Cobbs Middle School
George Reed Middle School
Great Oaks Charter
Gunning Bedford Middle School
H.B duPont Middle School
Kirk Middle School
Kuumba Academy
McCullough Middle School
P.S. DuPont Middle School
Shue-Medill Middle School
Skyline Middle School
Stanton Middle School
Talley Middle School
Thomas Edison Charter School
Central Middle School
Chipman Middle School
William Henry Middle School
Milford Central Academy
Postlethwait Middle School
Redding Middle School
Smyrna Middle School
Beacon Middle School
Delmar Middle School
Georgetown Middle School
Mariner Middle School
Seaford Middle School
Selbyville Middle School
Woodbridge Middle School